When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed and ran to greet him. Mark 9:14–15
Sometime earlier Jesus left behind nine disciples and took the inner three—Peter, James, and John—to a high mountain where they were alone. There Jesus’ appearance was transformed before their eyes, and they listened to a conversation Jesus had with Moses and Elijah.
Upon returning to reunite with the others, Jesus found the nine disciples surrounded by a crowd listening to an argument between them and Jesus’ critics.
Credit the nine! They had been left at the foot of the mountain, but they had not left Jesus. They remained loyal rather than dispersing. They were arguing passionately in His defense even though He had left them behind.
It’s not an easy thing to be excluded, to be outside the inner circle. Did they have feelings like, “Why was I not included?” “What’s wrong with us?” “Does Jesus have His pets and we’re not among them?”
Haven’t you felt left out at times? Others have their prayers answered yes and your answer is either no or delay. Someone else gets a great new job, and you’re terminated from employment. Someone you know testifies they’ve been healed. You try to rejoice in their miracle but find it difficult because you haven’t been healed.
This feeling of being left out happens a lot. The Lord is moving on with others but leaving you behind—or so it seems. They get to see the glory while you are left with a mess.
And a mess it was for the nine! As Jesus walked back into the scene they were losing a heated argument with religious experts.
What the nine and we need most to understand in such a moment is: (1) Jesus is sovereign and we must respect His choices as to who goes with Him on the mountain, and (2) He will always reappear in our valley!
Only later do we understand why He took the three. The disclosure of Himself in radiant glory and talking with Moses and Elijah had to be kept secret. The number of witnesses was kept small lest the news leak out before the time. Premature disclosure would only have reinforced the false expectation that Jesus came as a politically powerful ruler. Also, Peter, James, and John would subsequently suffer much. James was the first apostle to be martyred. Peter was crucified upside down on a cross in Rome. John lived his final years as an exiled prisoner on Patmos. No doubt the Lord knew that taking them with Him to the transfiguration would become ballast for each of them in the midst of their own coming storms.
Then, notice a remarkable shift. The crowd was drawn to an argument like children are drawn to watch a fight in the schoolyard. But when Jesus showed up their attention went to Him.
There’s a lesson in that. People are not persuaded by argument. Too often argument only reinforces our own opinions. The more we argue the more disagreeable we become. But Jesus is attractive! The church always does well when it remembers that.
May we always be overwhelmed with wonder in the presence of Jesus and run to greet Him!
A Prayer: Lord Jesus, there are so many things I need to do today. But, the most important thing I do is come to You. Be present, Lord, to me today—be with me, in me, for me, through me.
Excerpted from Dr. Wood’s forthcoming book, Fearless: How Jesus Changes Everything, available in September from Vital Resources.
The post From Argument to Wonder appeared first on Dr. George O. Wood.